Hammond High School
Class of '70

45th Reunion Weekend — October, 2015

The Hammond High School Class of 1970 45th Reunion was the 1st weekend in October or 2015. See the events below.

Your ad hoc Class of 1970 Reunion Committee:

Mike Bochnowski, Michael Firman, Dave Hanus, Don Johnsen, Monica Leeney Wiley, Beth Mauch Chase, and Chris Schmal

Schedule of Events

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Open mic music session
Paul Henry's Art Gallery (formerly Mueller's Hardware)
416 Sibley St.
Hammond, IN
7 p.m. – 10 p.m.
$5 at door — or $3 if you brought food to share or a musical instrument.

Friday, October 2, 2015

Informal get-together (cash bar and food)
Langel's Pizza
2833 Highway Ave.
Highland, IN
6 p.m. – 10 p.m.

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Reunion Picnic
Wicker Park Pavillion
8554 Indianapolis Blvd.
Highland, IN
11 a.m. – ?? p.m.
$15 per person, Portillo's lunch and soft drinks included (BYOB)

Sunday, October 4, 2015

No events scheduled, but take was one last opportunity on your own to meet up with classmates for brunch, lunch, golf, or any other activities.

Our 60th Birthday Reunion

In 2012, we celebrated turning 60 years old. Check out what happened at our 60th Birthday Reunion!

Our 50th “Golden” Reunion

Don’t forget! Our 50th “Golden” reunion is in 2020 — just 5 years away! Please let the reunion committee know if you:


Send us an E-mail. (If you are a classmate, please include our full name, email address, mailing address, telephone number and any other information you'd like to share.)

Invitation for the 45th Reunion